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OS Inc. Team

1. Zunaid Olivier

1. Zunaid Olivier


Zunaid works in the field of commercial law, family law, labour law and general litigation. He has
also been invited to speak at various family law conferences / seminars.

Zunaid takes on work and currently represents clients across the country, including
Durban, Johannesburg, Polokwane, Mpumalanga, Cape Town, to mention but a

4. Given Sithole

4. Given Sithole

Candidate Attorney

As a Candidate Attorney, Given’s primary objective is to meet clients’
expectations in so far as delivering the best service possible, within both
Litigation and Conveyancing departments.

2. Shaina Steyn

2. Shaina Steyn


Shaina specializes in Personal injury law more specifically, Road Accident
Fund claims, medical negligence claims, dog bite and slip & fall claims
general litigation and debt recoveries.

5. Vuyokazi Nkosi

5. Vuyokazi Nkosi

Public Relations Officer

Vuyokazi Nkosi joined OS Inc. to lend her expertise to the firm as a dynamic Public Relations Officer with a real go-getter attitude!

3. Tandeka Ketwa

3. Tandeka Ketwa

Conveyancer & Notary

Tandeka conducts all conveyancing transactions, estate transfers and
notarial agreements.

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